Rank Examinations
Regular examinations are an integral part of any karate training program. There are nine (9) Kyu (colored belts) levels and ten (10) DAN (Black Belt) levels.
Examinations are given approximately every 8 weeks. For kids there are candidate belts which are in between each kyu rank. The exams are held at the Warwick Shotokan Club by a testing Board of 3-5 Black Belts from the American Japanese Karate Association – International. Black Belt testing will be held either at Warwick Shotokan or at the AJKA-I East Coast Headquarters.
All tests are by invitation only. If the Instructors believe the student is ready to test an invitation will be present to the student.
A student is allowed try to take an examination for the next rank as many times as needed. We encourage all members to test. Any large amount of absences may be cause for a student not to be invited to test for green belt and above.
Testing Fees:
- White belt to full Stripe $25.00
- All Candidate Belts or 9th KYU-4th KYU $35.00
- 3rd KYU &2nd KYU $70.00
- 1st KYU $75.00
- Shodan $240.00